Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Piute Softball

Piute Softball
Destri had a great time her very first softball game.  She is so competitive and excited about this sport.  She loves it! Piute is playing in the Monroe league.  3rd and 4th grade teams.  

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Piute Baseball Season

Piute Baseball Season
It has begun!! We are pretty excited for this!!  

Saturday, April 7, 2018

April Slugfest

April Slugfest
What a fun tournament in St George.  It was so fun to watch baseball and enjoy some sunshine!  Bombers went 3-1, and played awesome.  We left the ball field just before the storm hit.  Flash floods and they ended up canceling the championship game anyhow.  LOL

Sunday, April 1, 2018


We had a great Easter weekend and very thankful that Dad was able to spend it with us.  We had lots of fun at the Junction Town Easter Egg Hunt and spending time with cousins on Saturday.  We decided to hike Bullion Falls on Sunday as a family. We had a great time! It was so beautiful with ice still on the falls.  Such a great weekend as a family!  Happy Easter!